I guess, my only question is you object to an obedience or rally club not allowing you to use an ecollar to train?
My first question would be why do you need an e collar to train? Millions of dogs compete in Rally and obedience without ever wearing an ecollar. I totally understand the happy bouncy lab. Trust me I know it very well. That's why we have labs. It's like you so opposed to even trying positive methods and you won't go somewhere that won't let you use an ecollar and that's the issue I have. Why not give it a try. Don't get defensive don't be opposed to it. You may have start at the beginner level, and that's ok you know what the beginner level has? A lot of happy bouncy dogs without e collars so your in similar company.
I'll own up to being defensive. But mostly on the basis of being treated like a puppy torturer. And I don't want to necessarily use the e-collar to do obedience/rally-o. But I want to be allowed to bring my dog to class wearing the receiver (which would be more than likely turned off.) My dogs associate the collar with "Oh BOY! We're going out to work!!!"
The whole point of teaching obedience is starting to teach the dog obedience and not through use of e collars or treats. When you practice or compete in obedience or any other sport but hunting sports, e collars as well as treats are not allowed in trials, so to depend on either in class you shouldn't.
Hunt tests are performed naked... that is to say, the dogs are naked. I wear cammo. First thing your going to do in obedience is teach the dog to walk nicely on leash.
My guys heel better off lead right now than on. Mainly because they go to the line without the leash and they know if they surge, we go back to the blind. So off lead they are very solid. I know you say you have great control off leash at a distance and you have an ecollar on them. Well how is your control on leash and off leash without the e collar because that's how you will be competing.
No, it's good. Our dogs get stimulated very little when training. 99% of our training is done with attrition. And leading up to a HT we are working off lead a great deal. Instead of criticizing a place because they do not want e collars or pinch collar because that's kind of the purpose of dog training isn't it? To learn to walk nicely on leash without the need for prong collar or e collar. You certainly will not be allowed to use them to compete with them so why train with them.
If you're asking a bout in obedience class... initially I just want to be able to have the dog wear the receiver. If you're asking about field work, the answer is more complex but it mostly is due to the necessity of delivering a perfectly timed correction with the perfect level of stimulation when the dog is a long distance from us... distances where even the time between when we blow the whistle is blown and when it's heard by the dog involves a critical time lag.I understand it is a tool you know, however if all you know how to use is a hammer and you are given a screw so you hammer it in or learn how to use the screw driver. If that's the only way to communicate to the dog your desire then that's a trainer issue and you need to learn to communicate with your dog in other ways. I am always looking at new ways to communicate.
We don't train the dogs with the collar (properly speaking) we use it to insist that the dog do what he/she has already been trained to do.
Now I understand the use of the e collar and I am not opposed to it in certain situations but I don't think it should be relied upon. I understand the FF as I have been reading the other thread too and have seen trainers do it. It's not for me there are other ways to do it I agree with but I am not about to bash them for doing it, it just not for me. Ecollar training was used for Hemi to teach him not to leave the yard. However before the ecollar was used 5 weeks every day of positive training was used. Then came the ecollar. He had been trained positively with no treats only praise and happy fun methods. Then when the time came the collar was only there as a reminder. He got shocked 2 times the very instant he crossed the boundary for the yard he was positively trained on.
Sounds about right. That is when he was 7 months old. I also consider that being a possible life and death situation and so the collar was needed to drive the final point home. He is going on 4. He has never left the yard since even to chase a rabbit or cat. He will stop right at the property line. He has also not needed the shock collar again either nor does he wear it just in case. The whole point of training is so you do not need these tools is it not?
Exactly so. But each time we are in the field, we are in a new setting and the work differs. A retrieve is not a retrieve is a retrieve. Hemi knows that barrier. It's the same barrier today that it was yesterday. But, if you moved to a new home, you would perhaps need to re-establish the new barrier with the collar again. When Hemi and I go to obedience class, I take maybe a handful of treats, and I come home with most of those still. Agility class I haven't used treats in a couple years. Yet all his training is positive. I am not opposed to negative punishment as well I take that hand in hand with positive training but people need to know how to use it. I used it at lunch time today. Hemi and I were sitting outside enjoying lunch and the neighbor was working in the yard. Hemi kept wanting to run over there being told not to 3 times. He is on leash and restricted for his soft tissue injury. 3rd time, he got put in the house where he sat there staring and pouting at me while I ate my lunch. That's negative punishment, he is not listening, he doesn't get to be outside with me. about 10 minutes later I let him out he sits right down on the deck beside me. He looks over at the neighbor now and then but is content. Now I could have put an ecollar on him and given him a mild shock at the first movement. However I got my point across without it.
Now I agree with you ecollars can be a useful tool. I totally agree in rattlesnake training using a ecollar for example, that's life and death. However to teach a dog to sit, stand, stay, back up? No I don't agree with that. No reason what so ever does sit stand or stay need to be taught that way. One of the reasons is because training and training positively also builds a much better bond between the dog and the handler. Clicker training for example has been proven in scientific study to stimulate the pleasure center of the brain.
Amygdala: the Neurophysiology of Clicker Training | Karen Pryor Clicker Training Working positively can also increase the Oxytocin level in handler and dog.
Dogs and their owners: A chemical bond | The Why Files One of the things you teach a dog positively is to watch me. The dog learns to look at you and into your eyes. Then done properly this can lead you to a whole new level of training.
Apprendimento sociale - Do as I do - YouTube This is not a parlor trick either. I know people personally that do this.
Now this may not be what your going for. If so fine, the big thing I have seen mention is well I don't see any positive trained dogs with all these titles. I don't know if there are or not, nor do I care. Thats kind of like saying well I eat red meat and my penis is bigger than yours.
!!! When Hemi finally crosses the rainbow bridge I will have a ton of great memories. Every day of our life together was positive. As far as I am concerned we experienced life together. I didn't drive him to get letters after his name. We did this by practicing and having fun. He has them, don't get me wrong. He has plenty of letters but I really don't know them without looking them up. I just don't brag about it or see it as important. Remember we did conformation before he was neutered, we do rally, obedience and agility, Tracking in UKC and Nosework in the UKC. I retake the CGC test every year for fun, we pass I throw the paperwork away and we go have a steak dinner in celebration. Hell we even do canine musical freestyle. Trust me
I do not do that for me. I got talked into giving it a try and Hemi had so much fun doing it I do it for him, even his trainer said you could just see him light up and he watches me the whole time. For me we set a goal and we tried something and we succeed or not. Our Agility we do CPE now instead of AKC, because again for me its more about the fun of doing things with your dog not about how many letters he has after his name. If you can only train with an ecollar because you want letters well, I don't know what to say.
You're off the rails here. Please see my post about the near orgasmic joy THESE dogs have in THIS particular work. You will have to take my word for it, OR go see a bunch of top-end field dogs at a Field Trial. Go to the Open or Amateur All Age stakes. Look particularly at the dog's eyes when they are on the line watching the ducks/pheasant go down. You can't MAKE a dog do this. Talk about the amygdala... it's like a crack cocaine rush for these dogs. BAM! I can't describe it adequately. You would defeat your own line of reasoning here if you could just see these top dogs at work. If you want to train with your dog because you both want to have a good time and face a challenge together then well open your mind and try new things.
This is exactly what I'm trying to do. I want to try a new game during the winter months. And am willing to do it using traditional Ob, i.e., non-ecollar tools and methods. I want to bring my dog to class wearing their receiver. That's it. And I think for very good reasons. That's all I can really say and I felt I needed to say something because it looks like your just bashing a place because they don't want you to use an ecollar and so your being a little whiney saying hrumf they won't let me use my ecollar so looks like me and my dog can't go to class.
I would have a lot of respect for the ladies of the Dogs and Lace Doilies Obedience Club if they would have discussed my dogs and my goals with me. But, big sigh... hard as it may be, I shall go on after this massive blow to my well-being and self-esteem. Reminds me of my 4 year old nephew on the fourth of July got his tricycle taken away, he sat down on the steps and announced to everyone in his loudest voice "I guess I will just sit here and not do anything."