View Full Version : Senior Labrador Health

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  1. Senior check in.
  2. harness recommendation
  3. Ellie. The love of my life
  4. Jessie doesn't like her bed(s) anymore
  5. Laryngeal Paralysis
  6. Trying to live in the present.
  7. joint supplements
  8. 15 years old tough week
  9. Just checking
  10. 13 year old lab- third eyelid issue- please help
  11. What to expect as Odin ages
  12. Anyone feed their Lab Hill's j/d?
  13. NLR Bailey's weird eye episode
  14. Maxxie is 15 years old today (check out party pix)
  15. Hudler's not feeling well...
  16. Megaesophagus Diet
  17. Senior Dog Blog Topics--any suggestions?
  18. Surgery for Midnight on Friday 7/18
  19. Food Fussy at 15
  20. Question for LP parents
  21. My 13 year old is having problems
  22. question on advantage
  23. It may be time
  24. Which one is causing my dog diarrhoea?
  25. 12 year old not pooping for days
  26. Panting after walks
  27. My baby went to heaven today
  28. It's Time
  29. Our time to say goodbye
  30. It's arthritis.
  31. Hard to watch him get old
  32. I have to ask
  33. Hind legs giving out!
  34. Thoughts on getting a younger dog as the other one ages?
  35. Does anyone have any experience with Vestibular Disease?
  36. possible flea allergy
  37. Leukemia?
  38. Anyone Have Any Experience Using Supplements for Senior Care
  39. HRH King Maxx has gone to the bridge
  40. Harley went to heaven yesterday
  41. Update on Smokes
  42. Mojo for Montana pls
  43. Back from the vet
  44. Kidney Failure
  45. help with Rimadyl...
  46. Taking Mulder to the vet tomorrow
  47. Update on Mulder
  48. So far so good, Montana
  49. 14 years and still going strong!
  50. Mulder's bloodwork came back
  51. Update on Ellie
  52. Daily senior vitamins / empty gelcaps
  53. Kennel Cough?Montana.....
  54. Hacking old man night sounds
  55. Think it's time. :(
  56. Poor Hudler...
  57. Trying to help my friend with her senior Lab
  58. Got Mulder's follow-up bloodwork done
  59. cataracts
  60. Curious on Food For Senior
  61. Food for Pancreatitis
  62. Dakota's turn.
  63. Hello Again; Aowyn and Arthritis
  64. chocolate lab throwing up mucus
  65. Update on Ellie. Part 3
  66. eye waters 80 percent of the time
  67. Older dog-health concerns - Heavy Breathing
  68. Molly Had Her Dental Today
  69. Any experience with Spindle cell tumor regrowth?
  70. Is it time?? Ellie part 4
  71. Ellie update
  72. Any experience with Chinese Herbs?
  73. Ellie update. Last one
  74. New to the forum but had some questions for my senior lab and sudden seizures...long reading
  75. Diet advice driving us nuts!
  76. SAM-e / Previcox ?
  77. 11 year old lab w/lymes disease
  78. growth on Loki's foot
  79. Older chocolate losing bowel control~seeking advice
  80. Mulder’s not doing so well :(
  81. Advice Please
  82. Mulder update
  83. Not doing so well today
  84. He is gone
  85. escalating anxiety
  86. Lab Board loses another Senior Lab
  87. Doggy Dementia?
  88. how do I get my hurting dog to stop following me around?
  89. Next Moby question: I think the pain may be rooted in his teeth
  90. It's been a awhile...Montana
  91. Not sure what to do
  92. Traumeel and Zeel, gone
  93. Pain in the senior working dog
  94. Left him to sleep downstairs
  95. Chattering teeth
  96. Help with diarrhea
  97. Cooper is down ten pounds from last year
  98. Green Lipped Mussel
  99. It would have been his 16 th birthday today
  100. Maxxie would have been 16 today
  101. Degenerative disk in neck
  102. Tooth and limping
  103. Need help getting upstairs
  104. Your thoughts - wellness pet package
  105. Cushing's. Advice please.
  106. Weeping wound
  107. So my vet had THE discussion with me yesterday. Now what?
  108. Incontinence care
  109. Degenerative Myelopathy?
  110. Adequan newbie -- what are your experiences?
  111. Getting Worse
  112. Pain Management
  113. Slight loosening of bowel control- help me control my panic
  114. Montana and Dakota
  115. May have to up her pain meds...
  116. Incontinence? Get these pads.
  117. Papi has Prostate Cancer
  118. Loose Stool
  119. Rocky Update (Pain management/bloodwork)
  120. Splenic Tumor
  121. Kidney Disease OR Surgical Complications??
  122. 8 year old lab with arthritis
  123. Facing Reality
  124. Dixie up pacing in the middle of the night
  125. The latest on Montana
  126. NutriCal for Dogs?
  127. Dakota's turn...injury |fear |kidneys ???
  128. Not a lab, but a senior...
  129. Senior pain managment/mobility
  130. Lab CCL Question
  131. Montana, almost out of time
  132. Rosie doesnt sleep through the night
  133. 9 1/2 year old Lab not doing well... need opinions.. as we're currently stumped..
  134. UTI in Male Lab
  135. Shasta, supplement questions
  136. Rosie ate an eye mask, and now she's in the hospital. What to expect.
  137. Remember this old member?
  138. At a Loss: managing the cost of an old dog
  139. Dakota has mast cell tumors
  140. Life with A Lab Over 10
  141. Senior dog - When is it time?
  142. Molly had a Dental Today......
  143. Shedding, I think she is embarrassed of her fur
  144. The change from adult to senior dog care... when?
  145. Can Denamarin Cause Increased Thirst?
  146. Dementia ????? In 10yr old
  147. Cooling Pads?
  148. Eyes
  149. Sudden GI issues.
  150. Dakota-panting & dry mouth kind of sound...
  151. Amost 14 year old question
  152. 9 Year Old Lab Diet
  153. Pimple type bump?
  154. Dakota fell out of bed.
  155. Arthritis - suggestions?
  156. Suggestions on if supplements/food changes are needed?
  157. How hard do you push?
  158. Any ideas?
  159. 12 yr old urinary problems
  160. Muscle vs Joint Pain
  161. Rock - Kidney Values
  162. 13-year-old Lab Foster
  163. Rocky Update
  164. Denamarin Alternative?
  165. So the walk'n poop is a thing now.
  166. Kimber update
  167. Rocky's Repeat Bloodwork Results
  168. Kimber pooped in the house
  169. Anyone else's lab ??
  170. Yukon Lyme Positive and neck/spine issue
  171. Can a dog's hormones get out of whack?
  172. My boy is getting old- 12 years
  173. Check-up report for honourary Labs Achilles and Stella
  174. Rocky - Saw Another Vet
  175. Grand Mal seizure??
  176. Achilles' visit to the doggy dentist
  177. Fran is almost completely deaf.
  178. Overnight for spay?
  179. Senior Food?
  180. Tell me what you can about Mast Cell tumors
  181. China and her cycle ...again
  182. Spirulina
  183. It happened again
  184. Question about weight
  185. Dakota's surgery is done, now we wait.
  186. Rocky Update
  187. Old man no appetite
  188. laryngeal paralysis
  189. Fran has another mystery gut infection.
  190. Alternatives to Rimadyl?
  191. Getting some muscle back?
  192. Both girls this time.
  193. Leeloo my 12 yr old lab has been stinking
  194. Introducting a puppy to the home of a senior dog
  195. Mammary Tumors...
  196. What a vet visit!
  197. Nipple discharge from China??
  198. China had x rays.
  199. China is in heat again?!
  200. Laryngytal Paralysis
  201. My lab is suspect of leukemia
  202. Probiotics and Ear Infections?
  203. Lifting Harnesses?
  204. Now I don't know what to do.
  205. Ester-C
  206. Some improvement!
  207. Spleen Removal
  208. New Dog
  209. What food to get my senior dog to gain some weight
  210. Rocky Update
  211. It's Cancer. Again.
  212. Fran's tumor was malignant.
  213. So Hard to Watch our Babies Get Old.....
  214. Leeloo is out of surgery
  215. Dementia / Night Wandering
  216. Chemo starts tomorrow.
  217. February Photo Contest is for Seniors!!
  218. Fran's blood work is normal.
  219. Help! 13 year old lab AND Maine coon blowing out coats ALREADY!
  220. Old man cough?
  221. Getting the old man to use a ramp
  222. Fran's cancer is not histiocystic.
  223. Fran is histiocytic.
  224. ACL surgery for senior?
  225. 13 year old lab quality of life question
  226. Issues with Pavement
  227. Dakota is panting a bit much...
  228. Surgery or Let Her Go :-( ???
  229. New Medication has been Approved for Arthritis in Dogs
  230. Leptospirosis?
  231. Liver Enzymes
  232. Ram fell down the stairs last night.
  233. Road Trip with a Senior?
  234. Dakota's back legs.
  235. RoadTrip: Update (and more on the LP front)
  236. I am so Scared and Anxious
  237. Update (June 26)
  238. Happy 13th Birthday My Sweet Dakotamarie
  239. Back end weakness and pooping
  240. Skin Issues
  241. Just feeling sad
  242. Back from Our Monthly Vet Visits
  243. Breathing fast?
  244. Enjoying Ice Cream
  245. Well Here we Are - No Walks
  246. I let her off leash again
  247. Spindle cell sarcoma on back leg
  248. Time for a Helper Harness I think
  249. Rocky gets an ice cream treat
  250. Bone broth