- Senior check in.
- harness recommendation
- Ellie. The love of my life
- Jessie doesn't like her bed(s) anymore
- Laryngeal Paralysis
- Trying to live in the present.
- joint supplements
- 15 years old tough week
- Just checking
- 13 year old lab- third eyelid issue- please help
- What to expect as Odin ages
- Anyone feed their Lab Hill's j/d?
- NLR Bailey's weird eye episode
- Maxxie is 15 years old today (check out party pix)
- Hudler's not feeling well...
- Megaesophagus Diet
- Senior Dog Blog Topics--any suggestions?
- Surgery for Midnight on Friday 7/18
- Food Fussy at 15
- Question for LP parents
- My 13 year old is having problems
- question on advantage
- It may be time
- Which one is causing my dog diarrhoea?
- 12 year old not pooping for days
- Panting after walks
- My baby went to heaven today
- It's Time
- Our time to say goodbye
- It's arthritis.
- Hard to watch him get old
- I have to ask
- Hind legs giving out!
- Thoughts on getting a younger dog as the other one ages?
- Does anyone have any experience with Vestibular Disease?
- possible flea allergy
- Leukemia?
- Anyone Have Any Experience Using Supplements for Senior Care
- HRH King Maxx has gone to the bridge
- Harley went to heaven yesterday
- Update on Smokes
- Mojo for Montana pls
- Back from the vet
- Kidney Failure
- help with Rimadyl...
- Taking Mulder to the vet tomorrow
- Update on Mulder
- So far so good, Montana
- 14 years and still going strong!
- Mulder's bloodwork came back
- Update on Ellie
- Daily senior vitamins / empty gelcaps
- Kennel Cough?Montana.....
- Hacking old man night sounds
- Think it's time. :(
- Poor Hudler...
- Trying to help my friend with her senior Lab
- Got Mulder's follow-up bloodwork done
- cataracts
- Curious on Food For Senior
- Food for Pancreatitis
- Dakota's turn.
- Hello Again; Aowyn and Arthritis
- chocolate lab throwing up mucus
- Update on Ellie. Part 3
- eye waters 80 percent of the time
- Older dog-health concerns - Heavy Breathing
- Molly Had Her Dental Today
- Any experience with Spindle cell tumor regrowth?
- Is it time?? Ellie part 4
- Ellie update
- Any experience with Chinese Herbs?
- Ellie update. Last one
- New to the forum but had some questions for my senior lab and sudden seizures...long reading
- Diet advice driving us nuts!
- SAM-e / Previcox ?
- 11 year old lab w/lymes disease
- growth on Loki's foot
- Older chocolate losing bowel control~seeking advice
- Mulder’s not doing so well :(
- Advice Please
- Mulder update
- Not doing so well today
- He is gone
- escalating anxiety
- Lab Board loses another Senior Lab
- Doggy Dementia?
- how do I get my hurting dog to stop following me around?
- Next Moby question: I think the pain may be rooted in his teeth
- It's been a awhile...Montana
- Not sure what to do
- Traumeel and Zeel, gone
- Pain in the senior working dog
- Left him to sleep downstairs
- Chattering teeth
- Help with diarrhea
- Cooper is down ten pounds from last year
- Green Lipped Mussel
- It would have been his 16 th birthday today
- Maxxie would have been 16 today
- Degenerative disk in neck
- Tooth and limping
- Need help getting upstairs
- Your thoughts - wellness pet package
- Cushing's. Advice please.
- Weeping wound
- So my vet had THE discussion with me yesterday. Now what?
- Incontinence care
- Degenerative Myelopathy?
- Adequan newbie -- what are your experiences?
- Getting Worse
- Pain Management
- Slight loosening of bowel control- help me control my panic
- Montana and Dakota
- May have to up her pain meds...
- Incontinence? Get these pads.
- Papi has Prostate Cancer
- Loose Stool
- Rocky Update (Pain management/bloodwork)
- Splenic Tumor
- Kidney Disease OR Surgical Complications??
- 8 year old lab with arthritis
- Facing Reality
- Dixie up pacing in the middle of the night
- The latest on Montana
- NutriCal for Dogs?
- Dakota's turn...injury |fear |kidneys ???
- Not a lab, but a senior...
- Senior pain managment/mobility
- Lab CCL Question
- Montana, almost out of time
- Rosie doesnt sleep through the night
- 9 1/2 year old Lab not doing well... need opinions.. as we're currently stumped..
- UTI in Male Lab
- Shasta, supplement questions
- Rosie ate an eye mask, and now she's in the hospital. What to expect.
- Remember this old member?
- At a Loss: managing the cost of an old dog
- Dakota has mast cell tumors
- Life with A Lab Over 10
- Senior dog - When is it time?
- Molly had a Dental Today......
- Shedding, I think she is embarrassed of her fur
- The change from adult to senior dog care... when?
- Can Denamarin Cause Increased Thirst?
- Dementia ????? In 10yr old
- Cooling Pads?
- Eyes
- Sudden GI issues.
- Dakota-panting & dry mouth kind of sound...
- Amost 14 year old question
- 9 Year Old Lab Diet
- Pimple type bump?
- Dakota fell out of bed.
- Arthritis - suggestions?
- Suggestions on if supplements/food changes are needed?
- How hard do you push?
- Any ideas?
- 12 yr old urinary problems
- Muscle vs Joint Pain
- Rock - Kidney Values
- 13-year-old Lab Foster
- Rocky Update
- Denamarin Alternative?
- So the walk'n poop is a thing now.
- Kimber update
- Rocky's Repeat Bloodwork Results
- Kimber pooped in the house
- Anyone else's lab ??
- Yukon Lyme Positive and neck/spine issue
- Can a dog's hormones get out of whack?
- My boy is getting old- 12 years
- Check-up report for honourary Labs Achilles and Stella
- Rocky - Saw Another Vet
- Grand Mal seizure??
- Achilles' visit to the doggy dentist
- Fran is almost completely deaf.
- Overnight for spay?
- Senior Food?
- Tell me what you can about Mast Cell tumors
- China and her cycle ...again
- Spirulina
- It happened again
- Question about weight
- Dakota's surgery is done, now we wait.
- Rocky Update
- Old man no appetite
- laryngeal paralysis
- Fran has another mystery gut infection.
- Alternatives to Rimadyl?
- Getting some muscle back?
- Both girls this time.
- Leeloo my 12 yr old lab has been stinking
- Introducting a puppy to the home of a senior dog
- Mammary Tumors...
- What a vet visit!
- Nipple discharge from China??
- China had x rays.
- China is in heat again?!
- Laryngytal Paralysis
- My lab is suspect of leukemia
- Probiotics and Ear Infections?
- Lifting Harnesses?
- Now I don't know what to do.
- Ester-C
- Some improvement!
- Spleen Removal
- New Dog
- What food to get my senior dog to gain some weight
- Rocky Update
- It's Cancer. Again.
- Fran's tumor was malignant.
- So Hard to Watch our Babies Get Old.....
- Leeloo is out of surgery
- Dementia / Night Wandering
- Chemo starts tomorrow.
- February Photo Contest is for Seniors!!
- Fran's blood work is normal.
- Help! 13 year old lab AND Maine coon blowing out coats ALREADY!
- Old man cough?
- Getting the old man to use a ramp
- Fran's cancer is not histiocystic.
- Fran is histiocytic.
- ACL surgery for senior?
- 13 year old lab quality of life question
- Issues with Pavement
- Dakota is panting a bit much...
- Surgery or Let Her Go :-( ???
- New Medication has been Approved for Arthritis in Dogs
- Leptospirosis?
- Liver Enzymes
- Ram fell down the stairs last night.
- Road Trip with a Senior?
- Dakota's back legs.
- RoadTrip: Update (and more on the LP front)
- I am so Scared and Anxious
- Update (June 26)
- Happy 13th Birthday My Sweet Dakotamarie
- Back end weakness and pooping
- Skin Issues
- Just feeling sad
- Back from Our Monthly Vet Visits
- Breathing fast?
- Enjoying Ice Cream
- Well Here we Are - No Walks
- I let her off leash again
- Spindle cell sarcoma on back leg
- Time for a Helper Harness I think
- Rocky gets an ice cream treat
- Bone broth