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  1. Gun Dog Training
  2. Ok now what?
  3. Training help: jumping at and barking at people or things
  4. e collar for 6 month old
  5. e collar for recall
  6. Barking at people coming in office
  7. training fearful dog & feeling frustrated
  8. Need some training tips for Tucker - 9 1/2 week old.
  9. Un-crating Tips?
  10. Alarm barking on walks
  11. Anyone have this happen?
  12. Need help or advice
  13. new yard new boundaries
  14. Hurlling and jumping!
  15. First time to the lake
  16. Playing with smaller dogs
  17. Biking
  18. Mesh Harness or Easy Lead or is there a better harness
  19. This is so hard!!
  20. Online training and progress
  21. New puppy training guide/book/videos ?
  22. Refining Heel As A Location Labrador Bleu
  23. Getting into the truck
  24. Lick lick lick!
  25. Swimming-treading water
  26. Dock Diving
  27. Hell No.. i won't go
  28. 5 month old Jumping on people
  29. Training and Old Dog New Tricks...literally.
  30. Dog Park?
  31. Training Tips on Getting Pup used to Dremel
  32. e collar advice
  33. Jake barking at everyone he sees
  34. Need advice for barking
  35. What on earth happened?
  36. Taking our dog on family vacation- Inlaws are not dog people.
  37. schutzhund traing
  38. Not fitting in with his smaller siblings
  39. Still can't curb the jumping up!
  40. Our new puppy is a digger - Oh my!
  41. Time to work on calmer greetings
  42. Jumping fences
  43. Barking!!
  44. Labrador Check-In
  45. Update on Jesse
  46. Calingl all lab puppy experts!
  47. pulling, pulling, and even more pulling
  48. Black lab nearly 3 wont recall
  49. Marking in the house
  50. Go sleep in your own bed!
  51. jealousy? and growling snapping barks
  52. 3 month old humping older dog - what to do?
  53. Teaching to not retrieve?
  54. Disobedient Lab
  55. Deconflicting crate training with sleeping arrangements
  56. Puppy Training
  57. Get the girl to rest!
  58. Keeping ears dry during water training / suggestions for treats
  59. Teaching Gentle
  60. on line obedience training??
  61. Preventing Marking
  62. I could use some help from the "training junkies" please-
  63. peeing on my bed!!!!!!!!!!!
  64. Harness?
  65. E-collars - which one? Reliability, sensitive dogs, etc.
  66. Leash Training
  67. Nipping/Mouthing
  68. Counter surfing
  69. Problematic lab! Help!!!
  70. Teaching Names Of Toys
  71. Wipe Paws
  72. Training books or online courses
  73. A little help please...
  74. Your opinion please.....
  75. Adult lab doesn't like walks?
  76. Advice on Training Rescue Lab
  77. boarding school
  78. Shock Collar
  79. advice for quicker response with commands
  80. Dog Training In Slow Motion
  81. Amazing Off Leash Recall Dogtra Pager Collar'' Truffles''
  82. my dog now hates all vets and nail cutting - how do I teach him its safe to trust both again
  83. they are chewing EVERYTHING what is causing this and how do I stop it?
  84. need a few reminders
  85. Playtime with other dogs
  86. long distance travel advice please
  87. Pheasant retrieving dilemma
  88. Poo - yum yum
  89. Puppy sleep schedule
  90. The Walking Blues
  91. It's going to be a long night
  92. Is this an issue
  93. I need some advice, I am really frustrated and do not know what to do: Separation Anxiety/PTSD?
  94. Anyone trained a service dog?
  95. Rally
  96. Biting, Nipping, Teething Oh My!!!!
  97. Your Favourite Trick
  98. reaction to people
  99. Calm Greetings
  100. ThunderLeash, Pulnomore, and Sporn Halter
  101. Dumping the water bowl
  102. Aggressive Lab
  103. Prong Collar help...
  104. He is so smart
  105. Teaching the names of things
  106. 1 year old Lab hates training
  107. how to train an aggressive pit bull
  108. Great article on how NOT to shut down your dog
  109. Bird Dog Training - Need Advice
  110. Kayla is overly excited....help!
  111. How to use e collar pager mode for super fast off lead recalls
  112. Puppy not housebreaking
  113. How To Use E Collar Pager Mode ''THINK THREE''
  114. What do I do when the 8 month old steals his rawhide from the counter - then makes me chase him??
  115. Need retriever training help.
  116. Re-training recall for a senior dog with mobility issues
  117. How to Use E Collar GETTING STARTED WITH HEEL
  118. Buddy's Rattlesnake Aversion Training
  119. Off Leash Dog Training
  120. Do dogs get jealous? Study, open acess and peer reviewed.
  121. please help. getting desperate
  122. Use of Head Collars
  123. New lab owner and hoping for some tips
  124. The barking dog vs the neighbors
  125. Harness
  126. Urgent Behaviour Help Needed
  127. Avoidance game
  128. Training help for a couple of issues
  129. spaz
  130. Issue with training sit
  131. sitting in heal then getting up
  132. How To Use E Collar ''What Is The Nick???''
  133. 9 week old
  134. There's sit... and then there's sit
  135. come command 9 week old
  136. I HATE the hold!
  137. Benellis second class
  138. EZ Educator EZ 900 PAGER MODE
  139. 1000 treat challenge
  140. 1st time owner! Puppy Questions Please help!
  141. 12 week old landshark
  142. Ellie Is Suddenly Giving Me The Puppy Finger. All The Time.
  143. Tips to help Archie relax?
  144. The Kennel Club Petition to Ban Shock Collars
  145. Benellis training ?
  146. Getting better at Petsmart
  147. E Collar? A whole new thing for me. Need your help
  148. Snake Avoidance Training worked
  149. 3+ yr old starting to hump again!!
  150. 6 year old kennel dog peeing in house
  151. Walking Issues
  152. Water Safety At The Ocean
  153. Well, it was fun while it lasted
  154. Keeping Pigeons for training
  155. Pinch Collar Correct Size
  156. Could use some advice....Biting Issues?
  157. Best Waterproof Collar??
  158. E-collar for a 10 y/o? Dog (of course)
  159. Good Idea or bad idea
  160. Flea biting?
  161. Benelli passed!!!
  162. Male Humping
  163. Leash training. Likes to lean on me.
  164. The Key to a Well Trained Dog is Planning Intentional Experiences
  165. Can't containt excitement with other dogs....
  166. How to let go - Of the Leash???
  167. Discouraging the crotch sniff!
  168. Drop it (in a specific spot)
  169. adult female marking (?) at the office
  170. Three confusing behaviors all in one post!
  171. She runs away when something in her mouth. How to stop that?
  172. Possessiveness w/ Cats
  173. Horny dog redirect
  174. Need training advice for honey
  175. Puppy Recall ''Bumpers'' The Super Puppy
  176. Looks like fUN!!!!
  177. My defective lab - swimming help?
  178. Water Recall PAGER MODE Bumpers !!!!
  179. My dog is a bully...
  180. she ignores me?
  181. Passive Resistance
  182. Stuck in a Rut
  183. How would you handle ?
  184. New Bill Hillmann Youtube is posted
  185. 8 week old sleeping only 1.5 hours at night before potty
  186. Board & Train Recommendations
  187. My lab is not warming up to other people:(
  188. Flip Heeling Mavis!!!
  189. Gentle Leader...
  190. Runaway labrador ''bumpers''
  191. Can't get a foster to stop pulling on walks...
  192. New baby! Chocolate lab extra needy (whining at all hours of the night)
  193. Barking at my work ( need a quick fix)
  194. Nighttime Crate Issues
  195. 2 Year old Won't Stop Eating Feces
  196. Loose Leash Walking Blog
  197. Getting a bit pushy: is the honeymoon over?
  198. Potty Frustration
  199. Hand biting help
  200. She has turned into a brat
  201. Is there a standard hand signal for "stand"?
  202. Shy with people
  203. Using Electronic Collars On Puppies Sans Stimulus
  204. Purpose Driven Behavior In Dogs
  205. Teaching Animated Heeling Using Electronic Training Collar
  206. Hyper Greeters Training
  207. Molly whines loudly, goes bezerk on leash when she sees other dogs
  208. Toilet training
  209. Training "Calm"?
  210. OK! I have a question about "DOWN"
  211. Woo HOOOH!
  212. Fun with shaping!
  213. HELP--Jumping Baby Gate
  214. She is so stubborn!!!!!!!
  215. On Going Issues - Help!
  216. Got bit for the first time
  217. Help
  218. To clicker or not to clicker... Video overload!
  219. New Series DOG BEHAVIOR
  220. Still whining, crying & making seagull sounds in crate in car.
  221. Definition of resource/food guarding
  222. The food motivated dog...
  223. Best way to stop a flying Lab
  224. So I took Teller to a trainer & the dog park for the first time... [update with pics]
  225. Therapy training on RAW diet. Can the two co-exist?
  226. Jumping on People
  227. Counter Surfing :)
  228. Passed the Final Exam
  229. Overly hyper/Mounting
  230. Experience with leash-reactive dogs?
  231. Management, Training and Maintenance Part 1
  232. Saying No
  233. lab wish list
  234. Meet and Greet Problem
  235. Mangement, Training and Maintenance Part 2
  236. Lab suddenly using bathroom in the house. Help!
  237. Agression. Dominance, Jealousy, Possesive
  238. Training Books?
  239. Are there any actual trainers on the board?
  240. Christmas Tree
  241. Help with previously abused dog training
  242. Barking at house guest
  243. Working with TWO dogs?
  244. Pulling and Pulling... Sophie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  245. Therapy Dog testing
  246. Anxious dog - need training tips/recommendations
  247. Has your dog ever not wanted to learn something?
  248. Jumping Jake!!
  249. General tips.
  250. Miley out of control