Berna (09-08-2023)
So adorable!! Huge congratulations to you!
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Berna (09-08-2023)
P.S. Those ears!!!
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Berna (09-08-2023)
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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You can definitely see the difference even over this short period of time. And he looks more self-assured, too, now that not everything is so new to him.
Berna (09-09-2023)
What a change in those 8 days! You must be feeding and watering him well! Sonic sure is cute! Nice pic of you as well!
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
Berna (09-10-2023)
Last edited by Berna; 09-13-2023 at 06:46 AM.
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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Bamps (09-14-2023), Black Labbies (09-13-2023), Snowshoe (09-13-2023), SoapySophie (09-13-2023), SunDance (09-13-2023), Tilly (09-15-2023)
Those last two...the sheer joy of being a puppy.
Berna (09-13-2023)
Beautiful Boy! Congrats on the addition...
Griffin growing up!
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Griffin Male Black Lab 03/14/16 -
Yukon My Wonderful Yellow Lab 11/20/06 - 03/12/19 Will cherish the memories!!!!
My Precious Tanner Boy 11/25/02 - 6/25/15 Will miss you always!!!!
Berna (09-14-2023)
You and Sonic are having way too much fun. What a cutie!
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
Berna (09-14-2023)
Sonic is ridiculously CUTE!! He’s going to grow into a great dog for you. Congratulations!! (Opie’s still going, a little bit slower but still going)
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