Nice pics of Song and Bonnie!
Barry, I don't agree with your whole post. Yes, some pups may look like the sire and some like dam, but hopefully they will be taller than Loua. In Loua's litter of 7, Loua was a little smaller than the rest and remains this way, we saw it right away when she was a pup at 3 weeks old. She is also shorter than her sire and dam. Loua takes after her great-grandmother in looks and height. Loua isn't slim and petite, she's built like a Mac truck, muscle, bone and all.
Also, breeders will breed to improve small faults. In Loua's case, her tail has feathering, Nitro doesn't, so the breeder is hoping to breed out the feathering. Time will tell on puppy sizes and their tails....