If you have any questions feel free to ask as well.
Hi there Sully has aspiration pneumonia - as our vet is currently treating him. If it doesn't go away [Sully has had xrays and will repeat in 10 days after antibiotics] the vets are thinking strongly the possibility of lymphoma [he's only 3!]. He will have an ultrasound and be referred to specialist. I am beside myself in tears. He is currently on 5 different meds right now.
Please respond with feedback, experiences and support. Thank you.
I would welcome hugs too.
Last edited by SullyBear; 08-20-2023 at 05:56 PM.
If you have any questions feel free to ask as well.
I've never dealt with anything like this so I have no advice. I just hope it's nothing serious and your boy is back to normal soon.
SullyBear (08-20-2023)
SullyBear (08-20-2023)
No experiences to share but will share good thoughts for Sully.
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SullyBear (08-20-2023)
Thank you all. I hope to get answers soon. Will keep you updated.
I am so sorry, I hope he feels better soon. No experience either, but sending good thoughts.
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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Good thoughts heading your way.
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Castilleja's Dubhgall Oban, the Black Stranger of The Little Bay
Oct. 15, 2007 - June 13, 2021
Oxtongue Rapids Park. Oct. 2019 Hidden Content
How/why do they think he might have an aspiration pneumonia, as opposed to pneumonia from a different cause? Is there some reason to suspect he aspirated something? I hope things turn around for Sully quickly. Five meds, that's a lot!
No advice. Hoping Sully is on the mend.
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