Bamps (02-15-2024)
This is in Ovies ear. The photo doesn't show it but there's a bit of a bump under the black. Kind of like a mountain with black snow on top if that makes sense. I have looked with a magnifying glass and it doesn't look like a tick.
It is just a cut with a scab on top?
Bamps (02-15-2024)
I don't think so. I'd have a vet look at that. Good luck!
It doesn't look like a scab to me. Has Ovie been itching it?
I am not sure but I certainly don't like the color. Hope it's nothing but get it checked by a vet.
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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I'd Vet too. It doesn't look like the, oh so many, ticks I've pulled out of Eddy - but, it's been warm and, who knows, maybe tick butts turn black in the cold?
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Castilleja's Dubhgall Oban, the Black Stranger of The Little Bay
Oct. 15, 2007 - June 13, 2021
Oxtongue Rapids Park. Oct. 2019 Hidden Content
Doesn't look like a tick, not only because of the color but I also can't see the legs.
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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Thanks for the replies.
He is not itching it but it does hurt as I touched it and his ear began shaking.
From what I google it's could be a type of cyst and the black portion is dried blood that is pooling.
I am going to call the vet today and get them to have a look.
I've never seen anything quite like that before. Please let us know what the Vet says. Good thoughts sent your way.
We went to the vet.
He has an ear infection in that ear so we were given drops and a cleaner for 14 days.
So she took a photo of it and noted the size. It's right on a ridge in the ear. She wasn't sure if it was from scratching although I have not seen him overly scratching. She didn't want to put him under, cut it and stitch if it's just a cut or scab. I am going to monitor it over the next 14 days and address it when he goes back for the ear check up.
To me it looks like this:
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