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  1. #1
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    Just looking for some advice ...

    Hey... I have a 3 year old choc lab who was spayed on the 09/01/2013. I had chosen to take her to the local dog home who offer spaying and neutering as I always try to do my bit for charity and thought they would benefit more from my business, though this time it seems to have bitten me on the back side. Last September, Rolo came into season which was confirmed by our local vet! Our vet stated that there was possibly ovarian tissue left inside Rolo meaning the spay was done incorrectly... The vet also stated that this wouldn't harm or effect Rolo's lifestyle at all bar the fact that she would come into season at anytime (they will be irregular). She then continued to tell me they could re open her and remove the tissue which I decided against as I didn't want to put her through the stress of another operation which was unnecessary... And from that date I have stuck by my word until now... Rolo came into season once again 4 weeks yesterday, she had a really strong fishy smell and has been spotting heavily the whole way throughout... Today I decided to take her to the vets as I wanted to be on the safe side... Make sure she hadn't got an infection or something or the other. Today the vet has stated that she wants Rolo to be opened up tomorrow morning... Obviously I want to do my best by Rolo I am just eager to know what other dog owners would do?Does anybody think I have a case against the dog home and do you think it's their job to pay for the operation? My insurance won't cover it as it is classed as a spay unless found to be something different once they open her up... I can afford the operation i just dont feel as though it should be me paying it. The dogs home made the fault shouldnt it be them to cover it. Ah I don't know what to do

  2. #2
    Real Retriever 3ChocMom's Avatar
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    This isn't all that uncommon, actually. It's possible that your dog will eventually stop having heat cycles without putting her through another surgery. I have a friend with a black lab that this happened to. She did not do another surgery and her dog had 2 heat cycles after the initial spay and never had another one. She doesn't have a uterus anymore, so there's no risk of pregnancy. I'm not clear on why your vet wants to open her up now, especially while she's going through a heat cycle. While a bitch is in heat, there is a lot more blood flow to that area and makes the procedure more difficult. Most vets don't like to do this, so is there a problem that your vet feels can't wait? I think my answer as to what I would do depends on that. If he doesn't think there's an infection or anything like that and just wants to do it so you have no further issues, I would say no and wait and see.

    ETA: As to who should pay, I understand your feelings. I think the most you could do is get back the money you spent for the original spay and even that would depend on the vet. When you say dog home, are you referring to a shelter? If so, I think you're out of luck. I doubt a shelter would reimburse you or pay for another surgery, but I suppose there's no harm in asking.

  3. #3
    Chief Pooper Scooper JenC's Avatar
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    Do you have another vet who is unrelated to this situation available for a second opinion?

    I also think most vet offices have forms you sign that state they cannot be held liable in case something happens like the dog dies or something goes awry with the surgery.

    If the dog has an infection, that can be determined through bloodwork. And then something might be wrong internally, so yes, a second operation would be necessary. I doubt the low cost clinic is going to foot any of the bill.

  4. #4
    Senior Dog doubledip1's Avatar
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    I would call the dog home (is that the shelter?) and explain what's going on and see if they'll decide to fix it on their own.
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  5. #5
    Senior Dog Jax's Mom's Avatar
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    It won't hurt to ask but I wouldn't count on them to do it. Maybe another opinion (vet) and then make your decision.

  6. #6
    Senior Dog POPTOP's Avatar
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    Had something kinda similar. Mardi was spayed several years ago by our regular vet. However, on a regular 6 month basis, Bandit and now Archie get very interested in her scent. Maybe some ovarian tissue was left in. Archie is not so interested that he humps her, but definitely checking her out.

    Good luck.


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