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Thread: Cliff Week 1

  1. #1
    Senior Dog Jeff's Avatar
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    Cliff Week 1

    So Week 1 with Cliff has concluded. It had honestly been a fantastic week.

    We got to know each other and learned how to communicate. He is incredibly smart, he may even be smarter than Hemi was, which is saying a lot. His only issue is he does have some fear responses and a lack of confidence so we been working on that. He also has some separation anxiety, however that has faded as he has been home and I am hoping as he gains more confidence this will also dissipate some. An example of the fear is last night after I took him out around 8 he came back in and rolled the garbage out to the curb. We went out right before bed and he instantly seen this new thing at the end of drive and ducked behind my legs. So I made it all positive and come one lets go check it out. He was lagging back but would come as long as I was between him and the bin. We got out there and I touched it and he came around and sniffed it and was like hmm I suppose it is ok but wait what's that across the street at the neighbors. So we had to check that trash can out too and then he was like ok lets go poop but he kept his eye on the bins. Even looking over his shoulder as we went in the house. Then in the morning we got up no big deal. Around noon we went out and the trash man had already come and he went potty and we walked out there and was like trash can ok. I leaned it back and he watched me and I began to roll it up to the garage instantly tail between his legs and running from the noise. So I stopped made it all happy coaxed him back to check out the cans, see its no big deal. He was like ok then, and I tilted it, and then slowly started to move and he was off again. Just kept repeating until it got back to the garage.

    So that what we need to work on. Other than that it has been a great week.

    We spent the weekend, going for walks, playing, having fun, letting him explore his new house. He found an old Hemi toy that was in the back of a closet, that's one of his favorite toys. He also learned his dad can combine toys to make them new and exciting again. Stuff a toy through the frisbee and that makes it even more fun.

    No update Next weekend as he goes to his first Dog Scout camp outing. First time Camping, first time in RV.

    He got a new Nylabone which he was very thrilled with.

    Sunday he was feeling more relaxed and comfortable. This image here brought back a whole lot of memories. That's Hemi's crate, Hemi's crate pad, where I had Hemi's crate as a puppy and he used to sleep the exact same way. But they were happy memories.

    And he got some stylish new Bandanas. He is going to Dog Scout Camp next Weekend for fall outing and the theme is Flannel.

    Then we pouted as we got in trouble. Notice the crate pad is gone. Someone, not naming any names, but it wasn't me, walked right in the crate and peed.

    We had some other funny things

    So then we began the training. He had a really good sit, I taught him Shake, they were working on down and leave it. And well this is where we went in Week 1, this is where his brain just kicked in overdrive.

    We found Hemi's old Piano I had put away and so I taught him to play it too.

    Then i took him out to a brewery for dinner. It started just a friend and us out on the patio but then a whole bunch of people arrive and was a lot of stimulation he took it all in though.

    He was exhausted though when we left look at those poor tired eyes.

    He went to Lowes too one evening.

    Then he got a new bed to go camping with and he insisted on Helping me put it together. He is so very Helpful.

    Helping me read the directions.

    Helping with assembly and supervising.

    Testing it after it was done.

    And I put it right next to my chair I work in, so he now is my immediate supervisor.

    Just like the boss to sleep on the job.

    Then this morning it all started to click too. He gets up earlier than I have to. So I have tried taking him out to potty and then snuggle in bed with me but he has always been no sleep lets play. This morning he got up an hour and a half early and I got to tell you I was pretty exhausted. So I tried again lets go back to bed you can snuggle with me. I left his leash on him in case I fell asleep and he decided to wander. At first I didn't think he was going to settle down I kept removing the leash from his mouth then I started talking to him gently and rubbing his ears and he was out like a light and I got another 2 hours sleep. I think we are going to be just fine.
    Hemi Loved Forever. (7-19-2011 - 3-3-2024)

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Jeff For This Useful Post:

    barry581 (09-24-2024), Berna (10-03-2024), Black Labbies (09-23-2024), Jollymolly (10-02-2024), katALlabs (09-21-2024), smartrock (09-23-2024), Snowshoe (09-21-2024), Sue-Ram (09-24-2024)

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Cliff has gotten so big over the past week! How much does he weigh now?
    He is such a smart puppy (It probably helps that his dad is a good trainer ). I love the way he looks at you and his little barks when he is trying to figure out what you want. He is just so adorable- even his pouty face when he got in trouble.
    Have a wonderful time at Dog Scout Camp!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Myboo For This Useful Post:

    Jeff (09-21-2024)

  5. #3
    Senior Dog katALlabs's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Myboo he does look like he’s gotten bigger.
    You’ve been blessed Jeff, usually a great dog only comes once in a lifetime, Cliff is destined for awesomeness!
    At the Bridge
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  6. The Following User Says Thank You to katALlabs For This Useful Post:

    Jeff (09-21-2024)

  7. #4
    Senior Dog Jeff's Avatar
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    Thanks, I honestly have no idea how much he weighs now. But yeah I know he got bigger, I had to loosen up his seatbelt harness. I went to put it on Thursday and suddenly it was too tight.
    Hemi Loved Forever. (7-19-2011 - 3-3-2024)

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Jeff For This Useful Post:

    Myboo (09-22-2024)

  9. #5
    Best Friend Retriever SoapySophie's Avatar
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    I love this so much.
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  10. The Following User Says Thank You to SoapySophie For This Useful Post:

    Jeff (09-22-2024)

  11. #6
    Senior Dog smartrock's Avatar
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    I'm not sure who's having more fun- you or Cliff!!! So lucky you guys got together in time for Dog Scout Camp. You know how we love to hear about those adventures. Woo hoo!

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to smartrock For This Useful Post:

    Jeff (09-26-2024)

  13. #7
    Senior Dog Black Labbies's Avatar
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    WOW, congrats Jeff on being a "foster failure" and taking in to your heart and home handsome Cliff!! I love his name, it sounds adventurous! Thanks for sharing your posts and pictures with us, I can't wait to read more of your and Cliff's new adventures. Hemi would be so proud and happy for both of you!
    Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
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    Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
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    "Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Black Labbies For This Useful Post:

    Jeff (09-26-2024)

  15. #8
    Senior Dog Jollymolly's Avatar
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    Look at all this amazing work you have already done. So happy to see all this bonding going on.

  16. #9
    Senior Dog Berna's Avatar
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    Cliff is living THE life! He is such a handsome boy!
    Cookie Black Snowflake
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