barry581 (02-04-2025), Snowshoe (02-05-2025), SoapySophie (02-05-2025)
We were sitting outback Sunday morning having coffee (snow is gone and its in the high 50s) and Bo decided to what I like to call is “Strike the Pose” looking all like he’s looking to impress lol. I quickly grabbed my phone and shot a few pictures of him before he moved. He’s never still so this was a good opportunity. I jokingly said to my SO he’s probably hearing a can opener of someone’s crinkling a bag of cereal he’s such a food hound.
I forgot to mention he’s 100lbs too!
Last edited by katALlabs; 02-04-2025 at 10:00 PM.
At the Bridge
Pinks - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 12/30/10 - 5/12/23
Maddie - Chessie - 3/6/10 - 6/25/22
Purps (Pinks sister) - Black Lab/mix -(Back with us 1/1/18) 12/30/10 - 4/7/21
Gracie - Yellow Lab - 10/23/05 - 9/6/18
Nozomi (Zoe) - BC/Lab - Got ya 9/5/09 - 3/19/15
Abbey - Yellow Lab - Got ya - 5/8/09 - 4/22/11
Cheanna - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 5/99 - 9/21/10
Buddy (Bubba) - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 11/2/02 - 3/28/10
Amber - Yellow Lab/Dobi - Got ya 8/1989 - 5/15/01
barry581 (02-04-2025), Snowshoe (02-05-2025), SoapySophie (02-05-2025)
What a handsome lad!
katALlabs (02-04-2025)
Free Stack.Actually, my boy got thermal imaging photos done last week (cruciate injury) and the Vet who trained my Vet joked that you need to "stack 'em up" for those shots. Which we were not able to do. Hopefully you never need that but putting such a pose on cue might come in handy, if for nothing more than great photos.
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Castilleja's Dubhgall Oban, the Black Stranger of The Little Bay
Oct. 15, 2007 - June 13, 2021
Oxtongue Rapids Park. Oct. 2019 Hidden Content
katALlabs (02-05-2025)
Handsome Bo! Why the shaved legs?
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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katALlabs (02-05-2025)
In my house, I'd suspect someone was peeling a banana or unwrapping a slice of cheese!
Bo is a good looking boy. Does he go into that water behind him?
katALlabs (02-05-2025)
At the Bridge
Pinks - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 12/30/10 - 5/12/23
Maddie - Chessie - 3/6/10 - 6/25/22
Purps (Pinks sister) - Black Lab/mix -(Back with us 1/1/18) 12/30/10 - 4/7/21
Gracie - Yellow Lab - 10/23/05 - 9/6/18
Nozomi (Zoe) - BC/Lab - Got ya 9/5/09 - 3/19/15
Abbey - Yellow Lab - Got ya - 5/8/09 - 4/22/11
Cheanna - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 5/99 - 9/21/10
Buddy (Bubba) - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 11/2/02 - 3/28/10
Amber - Yellow Lab/Dobi - Got ya 8/1989 - 5/15/01
Berna, I never did post about it but long story short , back in late November we was bitten by a Venomous snake a Cotten Mouth snake to be exact on the inside of his right leg half way up while we were hiking a trail. Had to cross a small bridge made up of small loosely bound trees about 3” or so when his back end fell in and his legs went between a couple of rocks that’s when i think it happened because he did’t show distress for several minutes even them we thought he might have pulled a muscle never thinking it was a snake bite. Even at the vets they were not sure till one of them saw the blood seeping out of the bite wound.
If you look at the photo there’s a black mark on the inside of the right leg at the back side of the ankle. That’s all that’s what’s left of it after getting 1 vile of anti-serum.
At the Bridge
Pinks - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 12/30/10 - 5/12/23
Maddie - Chessie - 3/6/10 - 6/25/22
Purps (Pinks sister) - Black Lab/mix -(Back with us 1/1/18) 12/30/10 - 4/7/21
Gracie - Yellow Lab - 10/23/05 - 9/6/18
Nozomi (Zoe) - BC/Lab - Got ya 9/5/09 - 3/19/15
Abbey - Yellow Lab - Got ya - 5/8/09 - 4/22/11
Cheanna - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 5/99 - 9/21/10
Buddy (Bubba) - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 11/2/02 - 3/28/10
Amber - Yellow Lab/Dobi - Got ya 8/1989 - 5/15/01
Snowshoe (02-06-2025)
At the Bridge
Pinks - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 12/30/10 - 5/12/23
Maddie - Chessie - 3/6/10 - 6/25/22
Purps (Pinks sister) - Black Lab/mix -(Back with us 1/1/18) 12/30/10 - 4/7/21
Gracie - Yellow Lab - 10/23/05 - 9/6/18
Nozomi (Zoe) - BC/Lab - Got ya 9/5/09 - 3/19/15
Abbey - Yellow Lab - Got ya - 5/8/09 - 4/22/11
Cheanna - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 5/99 - 9/21/10
Buddy (Bubba) - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 11/2/02 - 3/28/10
Amber - Yellow Lab/Dobi - Got ya 8/1989 - 5/15/01
Oh my what a nightmare. We don't have venomous snakes where I live, but in some parts of the country where we go hiking and camping they do exist. I was not worried with Cookie because he stayed on the trail, but Sonic is an avid explorer so I keep him leashed. Better safe than sorry.
I am glad all went well with Bo.
Cookie Black Snowflake
July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.
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