We've been working on whistle sits for a while now and Rose is really doing well with it. She's pretty much done with force fetch and collar conditioning and are working on short marks with emphasis on holding until returning to heel. Rose has a very soft mouth and it's been a challenge getting a good hold from her, so we'll do a lot of repetitions over the next few weeks before I introduce her to birds.
Stopping and sitting down to have a little taste of the surrounding plant life. (You didn't tell me to sit, Dad, I wanted to sit and smell the flowers.) Very nice! How did you send her out without Brooks going along?
Bamps (01-19-2024)
Yeah both her and Brooks are grass munchers, thankfully it doesn't make them puke.
I had them both in a sit next to me, and only released Rose initially. I've found if they are running together, she will look at him before she reacts to the whistle. He got up when she was running back, if I had been thinking I would have called her to my right side. I plan on training her to work from both sides.
Bamps (01-19-2024)
What a good girl!
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Kissing Bandit
Bamps (01-19-2024)
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