Hi Amanda!
Welcome to the lab board! Labradors are lovely dogs but many people see older labs on TV or walking around their neighborhood and think, yeah, that's the breed for me! They are in for an awakening if they have no other dogs and have never raised a puppy before.
I think many people are not prepared for the puppy stage of a labrador retriever. We've had many people come in tears because their puppy has turned out to be a little land shark. Labs are very energetic as a breed and especially so as puppies. We got our first labrador puppy after having had 5 dogs of other breeds and we were shocked at the difference. I can't tell you how many items of clothing got ripped from the jumping and nipping of our little demon. We were experienced dog owners so it was not scary for us but it was eye opening. The nipping got better once their grown up teeth came in, around 4-5 months of age, but they do need a lot of exercise and patience to get them, and you, through the puppy stage! We now have our 3rd and 4th labs and are definitely hooked on the breed.
Tell us a little bit about where you got your puppy, how you picked this breed, and what you have done so far to try to manage his behavior. Where was he before you got him, if you didn't get him until he was 11 weeks old.
I'd start by reading some of the threads in the puppy training section if you haven't already done so. I'll put a link to a good article. Don't lose heart, your puppy is probably not a demon, even though he might seem like one right now. You also will want to sign up for some puppy training classes as soon as you can. Some places like Petsmart have them or you can ask your vet or other private pet stores for recommendations.
Here's one thread to start with. Take a deep breath, do some reading, and while some days will be better than others, try to enjoy the experience. Come back and ask questions and let us know how things are going.