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  1. #1
    Senior Dog Berna's Avatar
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    Unhappy Remembering Cookie

    Remembering Cookie today, a year since he passed. I am still missing him like the first day, my best buddy of 17 long years, my sidekick, my first, forever dog.

    We Have A Secret

    We have a secret, you and I
    that no one else shall know,
    for who but I can see you lie
    each night in fire glow?
    And who but I can reach my hand
    before we go to bed
    and feel the living warmth of you
    and touch your silken head?
    And only I walk woodland paths
    and see ahead of me,
    your small form racing with the wind
    so young again, and free.

    And only I can see you swim
    in every brook I pass
    and when I call, no one but I
    can see the bending grass.

    Cookie Black Snowflake
    July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.

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  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Berna For This Useful Post:

    Bamps (07-31-2024), Jeff (05-25-2024), Snowshoe (05-26-2024)

  3. #2
    Senior Dog smartrock's Avatar
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    Carolina in my mind..
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    You have me crying now, for Cookie and all my own dogs who have gone ahead. What a wonderful family member and companion in all your adventures you had in Cookie. He was certainly a special boy.

    Chase 9/29/2006- 6/30/2017 Always in our hearts
    Lark 12/25/2012- 2/2/22
    Henry 7/14/18
    Joey 5/14/2022

    “Because of the dog's joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small gift. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born. What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass? What would this world be like without dogs?”

    Mary Oliver, Hidden Content

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to smartrock For This Useful Post:

    Bamps (07-31-2024), Berna (05-26-2024)

  5. #3
    Senior Dog Jeff's Avatar
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    I fondly remember all your adventures with Cookie as well. His Larry Lobster. My Favorite picture of him was one one with his back to the camera on a dark rainy street. I don't know if you remember it. I remember it so well because it reminded me of my favorite poem. Acquainted with the night by Robert frost.
    Hemi Loved Forever. (7-19-2011 - 3-3-2024)

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jeff For This Useful Post:

    Bamps (07-31-2024), Berna (05-26-2024), smartrock (05-26-2024)

  7. #4
    Senior Dog Berna's Avatar
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    Ahm yes, of course I do! Here it is

    And with Larry the Lobster -

    I have kept Larry and some other Cookie's favorite toys.

    Sonic is not suitable for most toys right now, he rips them apart. The little delinquent.
    Cookie Black Snowflake
    July 12th, 2006. - May 25th, 2023.

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  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Berna For This Useful Post:

    Bamps (07-31-2024), Jeff (05-30-2024), smartrock (05-26-2024)

  9. #5
    Senior Dog Snowshoe's Avatar
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    17 years, you were so lucky. Love that poem.
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    Castilleja's Dubhgall Oban, the Black Stranger of The Little Bay
    Oct. 15, 2007 - June 13, 2021
    Oxtongue Rapids Park. Oct. 2019 Hidden Content

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Snowshoe For This Useful Post:

    Bamps (07-31-2024), Berna (05-26-2024)


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