barry581 (01-25-2025)
Barry, that’s about a 90 minute drive for us. This system affected a lot of states, I-10 was shutdown from Pensacola to Tallahassee for several days if I remember correctly because the lack of snow removal equipment.
At my old place of work we use to test engines (T56/501) at the Bob Sikes airport.
We were on the East side North of Crestview Aviation across from everything.
At the Bridge
Pinks - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 12/30/10 - 5/12/23
Maddie - Chessie - 3/6/10 - 6/25/22
Purps (Pinks sister) - Black Lab/mix -(Back with us 1/1/18) 12/30/10 - 4/7/21
Gracie - Yellow Lab - 10/23/05 - 9/6/18
Nozomi (Zoe) - BC/Lab - Got ya 9/5/09 - 3/19/15
Abbey - Yellow Lab - Got ya - 5/8/09 - 4/22/11
Cheanna - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 5/99 - 9/21/10
Buddy (Bubba) - Black Lab/Mix - Got ya 11/2/02 - 3/28/10
Amber - Yellow Lab/Dobi - Got ya 8/1989 - 5/15/01
barry581 (01-25-2025)
My daughter works at Eglin AFB, my son-in-law works there at the airport, something to do with the fueling systems.
katALlabs (01-26-2025)
That's a lot of snow! I'm glad Bo is enjoying it! The worse part is all the snow shoveling of sidewalks and driveways!
Casey, Nellie, Dana, Kelsey, Bailey and Heidi. Forever in our hearts.
Zoda, May 26, 1999 - February 28, 2011. Forever in our hearts.
Opal, May 20, 2005 - April 24, 2020. Forever in our hearts.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Ursa, RN, RA, CGC, March 10, 2011. Home-grown, Raw-fed.
Loua, July 12, 2020. Family-Ties.
"Mother Nature already knows what Science is still trying to figure out".
katALlabs (01-26-2025)
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