Hi we have a mature lab mix female who wants to be the alpha everywhere: both at home and at the dog park. When she first visits she is nice but after a few days she takes over. She tries to "protect" every member of the pack whether they be human or canine. For example if my girlfriend gives me a kiss she growls and butts against her chest. Today she knocked over a lady at the dog park who was interacting with a dog that isn't even ours. She belongs to my girlfriend's grown son and he is very dominant with her. But when she stays here for a couple of days she wants to social climb over the lady of the house. She's a very big dog and pulls constantly while walking. If she manages to sit on the couch and be on the same level as the humans she starts to become dominant. If myself or my girlfriend puts her in her place she behaves for a while. We do feed her and our other dog scraps after we have finished eating. Not sure what we should do.
Nothing in Life is Free training would be a goo first step: https://www.sfspca.org/sites/default...fe-is-free.pdf
Stormageddon, Princess of Darkness, aka "Stormy"
Birthday 9-13-18, Gotcha Day 11-11-18
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Miss Kimber, CGC, 6/15/2005-1/27/2018 forever in our hearts
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