Don't you have resources available through where you got your training/certification?
I am a fairly new trainer but train mostly puppies. I am trying to train an 80lb yellow Lab boy who is just like the dog in Marley & Me.
I’m trying basic obedience, some games, some impulsivity work etc. I am also teaching him manners & hope to give him a job to do around the house like being the mail. Any suggestions?
Don't you have resources available through where you got your training/certification?
What kind of problems are you having? Have you looked into any training classes???
Yes I do have resources but they are quite general. I have contacted my teacher as well.
Sometimes an extra piece of information can help.
Hi Barry: Are you saying the dog should be in classes or me? LOL His issues are many, poor manners, jumping up, bowling people over, taking things & destroying them ( my things). Not listening, poor recall etc. I am working on all aspect of his general obedience. I’ve been doing lots of sit/stay, down/stay, recall, loose leash as well as sitting when people come to the door etc. I have only done 2 lessons with him so I can’t fix him right away but I just see so much potential, I want him to succeed & want the family to have a great dog.
I'd refer the family to a behaviorist.
My first trainer, trained us to train dogs. She is working with 2 of our puppies now but the out comes are better as we follow the guide lines she trained us to do. Even my kids know this .
Repetition and consistence are 2 things only the family can enforce.
Classes for both of you. Sounds like you need a lot of impulse control work!
I have done some impulse control work but I’m sure it’s not enough, thanks Barry581
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