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  1. #11
    Senior Dog Jollymolly's Avatar
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    Congrats I cant wait for puppy pics

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  3. #12
    Chief Pooper Scooper JenC's Avatar
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    Keep the puppy on Pro Plan until it's at least a year. I've bred litters and raised them on Pro Plan and I have always been happy with the results. We hear of too many people coming on this board and changing their new pups over to Blue Buff. with horrible results, don't be one of those people. There is nothing wrong with Pro Plan. The professionals don't use it for any other reason except that it works and grows nice dogs!

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to JenC For This Useful Post:

    Brianne_Nicole (04-30-2015), Tillysmom (04-09-2015)

  5. #13
    Senior Dog BaconsMom's Avatar
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    Julie & Jake, Bacon's Humans

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    Brianne_Nicole (04-30-2015), Tillysmom (04-09-2015)

  7. #14
    Real Retriever fidgetyknees's Avatar
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    Definitley stay on the same food for a few months and then switch over very gradually. And yes puppy will need somebody to feed her and let her potty during the day. We are going to be in the same situation in 1 month, but I think my husband can try for working from home 3 days a week, I will request one day a week and we will have to figure out a dog sitting service for the other day.

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    Brianne_Nicole (04-30-2015), Tillysmom (04-09-2015)

  9. #15
    Real Retriever sipsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jollymolly View Post
    Congrats I cant wait for puppy pics
    Ah yes me neither. Every time a new member comes here I am dying for the puppy pictures

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sipsi For This Useful Post:

    Brianne_Nicole (04-30-2015), Tillysmom (04-09-2015)

  11. #16
    Senior Dog 4Thelove's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome-looking forward to pics!

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    Brianne_Nicole (04-30-2015), Tillysmom (04-30-2015)

  13. #17
    House Broken Fredbearthelab's Avatar
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    Hello and congratulations on your future puppy!
    If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
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    Tillysmom (04-30-2015)

  15. #18
    Senior Dog Tanya's Avatar
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    welcome and congrats!
    I wouldn't rush a food change. if the breeder feeds their dogs the food it may be for a reason - that food may work best for the growth and health of their dogs. But at a minimum don't rush the change, best to wait until they settled into their new home beofre adding a food change.

    I highly recommend puppy classes/puppy kindergarden (generally you can start when pup is 8-10 weeks depending on the class). Great for the whole family. It's a safe place to socialise your puppy with other puppies AND people (and a new places, and a good class with do other socialisation to textures and exerpiences). Also a great place for tips and maybe meeting fellow puppy owners you can do play date with.

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    Tillysmom (04-30-2015)

  17. #19
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    Pic and question

    I think I have attached a picture?!?!

    We we brought Tillysmom home and love her! She doesn't seem to really want to snuggle she is getting better but if she has a choice she's in the crate or on the floor when resting. She does play well with us. She has had no accidents YET, one other thing I nitice is she fights being put on her back is that normal? Someone told me that's a sign of aggression and stubbornness just wondering if. That's normal.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails -image-jpg  

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    Brianne_Nicole (04-30-2015)

  19. #20
    Puppy Brianne_Nicole's Avatar
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    Enjoy your little pupp!

    Loving this site as well.

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    Tillysmom (04-30-2015)


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